A podcast covering intriguing conversations from tech to love and everything in between, hosted by Duke Mtambo.

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Daily Balajisms - Sn1: CCP vs NYT vs BTC | Ep #010

Duke Mtambo talks with Jakub Simek about his article on "CCP vs NYT vs BTC". Balaji Srinivasan argues that there are three main powers today: Communist Capital, Woke Capital, and Crypto Capital. The Chinese Communist Party demands submission through their hard power of infrastructure and economic dominance, while the Wokes and Bitcoin Maxies push for submission through different forms of soft power. 

He suggests that while maximalism in any of these three directions is bad, the absence of submission, tolerance, or sovereignty is equally bad. He posits that a healthy balance is needed within the CCP-NYT-BTC triangle to optimize for respect and recognition.

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